Maintaining social distancing should not be a sad and lonely time. Take advantage of this time and learn a new skill: Here are some of the skills you could develop by yourself and the help of an internet connection;
Sharpen your soft skills
Soft skills are personal attributes that enable people to interact better and communicate effectively. You could use the time you have to learn how to communicate better, manage your time and anger, develop your emotional intelligence and productivity levels among others. These skills can be mastered through self-inspection and applications such as SessionLab and TrainerBubble where you can find free and paid games and exercises.
Learn how to meditate
Meditation is simply practiced by focusing your brain in silence or with music to relax. Recent studies conducted have concluded mindful meditation reduces pain sensations in the body, stress and promotes emotional health. Additionally, Buddha believed that meditation trains the mind to focus on the present and see the beauty in it and not contemplate about the past or future. If meditation is something you would consider, there are plenty of free resources online alongside mobile apps such as Headspace and Calm which will guide you on your way to becoming a master meditator.
Learn how to type faster
If you have some free time on your hands, why not learn how to type faster? This may seem like a useless skill but some professions such web designer and developer, writers and data entry specialists require you to type faster than average. Typing faster helps you work quicker. To get started on it there are short tips on YouTube you could follow and also free software applications such as Typing master that you could install on your PC to help you with the entire process.
Learn how to read faster
This period of social distancing may be the chance you have been waiting for to improve your reading speed and comprehension. This could help you get through work documents and books faster than before and create time to focus on other activities. You could google free tips to help you read faster or get the help of a free or paid app such as Spreeder.
Take an online course
You could also put good use of the free time on your hands and learn a course in a professional field or something you have always had interest in. This would not only help you be a step forward at work but also help you improve your life. Courses like digital marketing and coding are sometimes offered for free by platforms like google and videos on YouTube. Furthermore, you could get these courses on platforms such as Cousera and Udemy.
Bonus: Learn a foreign language
This could be the perfect time to learn a foreign language. Mobile applications such as Babbel offer subscription plans that could help you speak a foreign language in only 3 months. The beauty of such apps is that you could incorporate it into your daily life even beyond this period of isolation. There are also a multitude of resources online like Duolingo that can help you learn a foreign language at no cost.

About The Author

Maureen Kasuku

Maureen is our resident cat lady and Beyoncé stan. She writes about spas, brunch and ballet recitals but has never been to any. Moonlights as a social justice activist in her spare time. She knows things and is obnoxiously opinionated on the internet but not in real life

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