Muthoni Gitau is making some major changes on her social media platforms. On Thursday, the blogger-cum-YouTuber announced in a video titled "THE WAY FORWARD & OTHER STORIES" that it would be "the last vlog". Speaking to her 26,000 subscribers, she explains that the major decision was due to her inability to "deliver my best in terms of my DIYs", and a new project in development. Muthoni, who just recently turned 30, has been churning out exemplary content twice every week - a vlog and a DIY video - but will henceforth focus solely on DIY content, to be posted on Sundays.
"This Kenyan Vegan will not be coming back. I feel like I don't need to do that anymore, because I was sharing my recipes because there were barely any recipes that were tasty and good", says Muthoni in reference to her second Instagram account, where she not only offered homemade vegan recipes and local foodie finds in Nairobi but also posted aesthetically pleasing food shots. "But now I feel like there are so many people out there who are doing that content and I don't have to worry myself with that anymore. I'll still share my personal recipes".
Despite the new changes, Muthoni did not leave us in our feelings. She promises to keep us in the loop of our internet family - cats Ziggy, Joey and Ginger, and husband Nick: "If you want to keep up on my lifestyle content, I'll be posting a lot more on my Instagram".

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