If George Lucas was the Master, then J. J. Abrams has turned out to be his keenly listening apprentice. Abrams studied and learnt the ways and The Force Awakens is proof that the Padawan has successfully completed his training and is ready to climb the ranks.
The Force Awakens is a triumph of visual storytelling and a great return to what many old Star Wars fans will recognize as the real deal after the runaway train crash that was the prequels. I also cannot think of a better Episode other than the original for new viewers to be introduced to the franchise with.
To give a spoiler-free review for this movie is a battle of wills. And while I promise not to dish out anything significant, I can say that there is at least one huge watershed moment.
Since speaking of the storyline is a no-no, I will instead quash some of the rumors that were going round prior to the film's premiere. NO, Lupita's performance isn't bad. And NO, the length of her character's screen time doesn't seem to last shorter than is necessary to the story's progression. Her CGI character Maz Kanata is portrayed brilliantly and although her fate is left hanging there are murmurs that Maz may even cut the figure of a "Yoda" going into future Episodes. Which will mean an increased role for Lupita.
Lupita is not the only Kenyan interest in the film. Yes, the Kikuyu-speaking starfighter Nien Nunb makes an appearance in this one too. His two lines of dialogue got the loudest cheer in the theatre (followed closely by the first appearance of Han Solo and Chewbacca).

Nien Nunb in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)

But other than being Kenyan-portrayed characters, Maz Kanata and Nien Nunb to me also shine as symbols of this new chapter; a seamless mashup of the traditional and the new. Old favorites like Han, Chewie, C-3PO, R2-D2, Leia and Luke provide tender moments of throwback nostalgia while the fresh faces merge organically into the story.
And it is here where the real stars of the show are to be found; the freshmen Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver and John Boyega as Rey, Kylo Ren and Finn respectively. Daisy and John in particular embody everything that is good and universal about Star Wars- fearlessness, humor and a youthful swagger. The first Star Wars film A New Hope launched the careers of previously unknown Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher (also elevating little-known Harrison Ford to superstardom) and the trend will surely continue with Daisy and John. A very special nod also goes to the scene stealing droid BB-8!
Ultimately, The Force Awakens will go down as not only one of the most memorable movies of 2015 but of cinema history. It is thrilling, it is entertaining, it is touching and it is a must-watch. The best holiday gift Hollywood will ever give us.

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