AND - Any day now
AC - Assisted conception
AC - Abdominal circumference
AF - Aunt Flo (Menstrual period)
BC - Birth control
BD - Baby dace (sex)
BCPS - Birth control pills
BBT - Basal body temperature
BFN - Big fat Negative (pregnancy test)
BFP - Big fat positive (Pregnancy test)
BMI - Body Mass Index
CD - Cycle day
Circ. - Circumcise
CS - Caesarean section
DH - Dear husband
DS - Dear son
DD - Dear daughter
DPO - Days past ovulation
DTD - Doing the deed (Sex)
EBF - Exclusive breast feeding/ Extended breast feeding
EDD- Estimated date of Delivery
EP - Ectopic pregnancy
EPT - Early pregnancy test
ET - Embryo transfer
FET - Frozen embryo transfer
FH - Fetal heart
FM - Fertility monitor
FMU - First morning urine
FTM - First time Mum
GD - Gestational diabetes
GP - General practitioner
HTH - Hope this helps
HSG - Hysteroscopy
IC - Incompetent cervix
IUI - Intrauterine insemination
INF - Infertility
IVF - In Vitro fertilization
LAM  - Lactational amenorrhea
LO - little one
LSP - low sperm count
MC - Miscarriage
ML - Maternity leave
NFP - Natural family planning
O - Ovulation
OC - Oral contraceptives
OTC - Over the counter
PG - Pregnant
PND - Postnatal depression
SB - Still Birth
TIA - Thanks in advance
TTC - Trying to conceive
TR- Tubal reversal
US - Ultra sound
VBAC - Vaginal birth after caesarian
VE - Vaginal examination
VR - Vasectomy reversal
WM- Working mum

Important medical terms

Tips for pregnancy: You should familiarize yourself with these terms as you are likely to come across them during your pregnancy.
  • Abortion also referred to as Spontaneous abortion refers to a pregnancy that terminates before 24weeks.
  • Aminiotomy is the artificial rapturing of the amniotic sac.
  • Antepartum hemorrhage refers to any bleeding that a pregnant woman experiences before birth.
  • Birth plan is a way for a soon to be mother to communicate her birth wishes. Who she would like present, type of birth and labor she would like and what should be avoided.
  • Bloody show refers to a reddish or brownish discharge that appears at the onset of labor.
  • Braxton Hicks Contractions are false or practice contractions experienced by some women.
  • Breech presentation - This is when a baby is lying feet or bottom down in the womb.
  • Doula a professionally trained labor and birth attendant to offer coping techniques. They do not offer medical care.
  • Ectopic pregnancy refers to a pregnancy that is developing in another part of the reproductive system that isn't the uterus. It could be that it is lodged in the fallopian tubes.
  • Endometrium is the lining of the uterus
  • Epidural is pain medicine administered during labor
  • Episiotomy is cutting of space between vagina and anus to ease birth.
  • Lactational amenorrhea means natural infertility a woman experiences while breast feeding.
  • Luteinizing hormone - A hormone produced by cells in the anterior pituitary glands. A spike in its volume triggers ovulation.
  • Multigravida is a woman who has been pregnant more than once
  • Meconium is the baby's first stool
  • Multipara is a woman who has already given birth at least once
  • Singleton is a single fetus in the womb.

For more about pregnancy you can check out our website. We have so much that you would love from: articles, business that are just for mums and kids, doctors and specialists, experiences from other mums. Just click Here and join the Village!

About The Author

Omani Joy

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